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来源:长泰人才网 时间:2020-11-11 作者:长泰人才网 浏览量:


  ①I:what is your major?
  A:My major is Business Administration. I am especially interested in“Marketing“.
  ②I:Which university are you attending?
  A:I am attending×××University.
  ③I:Have you received any degrees?
  A:Yes. First, I received my Bachelor degree in English Literature, and then an MBA degree.
  ④I:What course did you like best?
  A:Project Management. I was very interested in this course when I was a student. And I think it‘s very useful for my present work.
  ⑤I:Do you feel that you have received a good general training?
  A:Yes, I have studied in an English train-ing program and a computer training program since I graduated from university. I am currently studying Finance at a training school.

  ①I:Have you ever been employed?
  ②I:Your resume says you have had one-year experience working in a foreign representative office in Shanghai, may I ask why you left?
  A:I worked in a foreign rep.office for one year.However,I left there two years ago because the work they gave me was rather dull.I found another job that is more interesting.
  ③I:Have you done any work in this field?
  ④I:What qualifications do you have that make you feel you will be successful in your field?
  ⑤I:What have you learned from the jobs you have had?
A:I have learned a lot about business know how and basic office skills. In addition, I learned at my previous job show to cooperate with my colleagues.
  ⑥I:What‘s you major weak point?
A:I haven‘t been involved in international business, so I don‘t have any experience, but I have studied this course in the International Business Training Center of the×××Company.
  ⑦I:What are your greatest strengths?(实话实说好了,不必客气,但应注意语气和表情,不要给人炫耀之感。)
  ⑧I:Please tell me about your working experience.
  ⑨I:Does your present employer know you are looking for another job?
  A:No, I haven‘t discussed my career plans with my present employer, but I am sure he will understand.

  ①I:How do you spend your spare time?
  ②I:Are you interested in sports?
  ③I:Do you think you are introverted or extroverted?
  ④I:What kind of personality do you think you have?
  A:I always approach things very enthusiastically. When I beg in something, I don‘t like to leave it halfdone. I can‘t concentrate on something new until the first thing is finished.
  ⑤I:What is the most important thing for you to be happy?
  A:Different people have different ideas. I think the most important thing for me is having a good relationship with my family members and my friends. My family has always been very closeknit, and my friend sand I spend a lot of time together. Without that I would be much less happy than I am.
  ⑥I:What makes you angry?
  A:Dishonesty. It‘s unacceptable.
  ⑦I:What are your personal weaknesses?
  A:I‘m afraid I‘m a poor talker. I‘m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time. That is not very good for business, so I have been studying public speaking.
  ⑧I:Are you more of a leader or a follower?
  A:I don‘t try to lead people. I‘d rather cooperate with everybody, and get the job done by working together.

  ①I:Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English?
  A:Yes, in most circumstances.
  ②I:Are you available for travel?
  A:Yes, I like traveling. I am young, and unmarried. It‘s no problem for me to travel frequently.
  ③I:How about overtime

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